It's been a long time since I showed my pretty face around here. Life has taken over and I just haven't had time, or energy, or desire, or whatever, to stop by this little space.
I don't feel like doing an update today, but I think a little things I love may be in order. So here we go.
Things I've Been Loving in my Extended Absence:
I don't feel like doing an update today, but I think a little things I love may be in order. So here we go.
Things I've Been Loving in my Extended Absence:
- The amazing love I get from my husband, daughter, friends and family.
- Our trip to San Diego this August. Can I bring that weather HOME???
- Seeing a wonderful couple get married.
- Naked Juice Smoothies when I'm too lazy to make a green smoothie for real.Which, lately, is quite often.
- Meditation and Yoga sessions."I am beautiful. I am loved. I can do amazing things." Positive self-talk goes a long way.
- Cake. The food and the band, actually.
- Crunching Ice.
- Watching my little girl start preschool. What!!
- My electric stapler at work. It's the little things!
- Getting an extra week of vacation this year for my ten year work-i-versary.
- Shel Silverstein poems.
- Cooler weather. Sort of. At least knowing it is coming since football season is in gear!
- The amazing things IV steroids can do for my body. Even though I partly hate them for their side-effects. Bastards.
- Black Eyeliner.
- Platinum Blonde Hair!!
- All the books I have been reading, from Neil Gaiman to the Divergent Series to random other things. And also, the fact that my mini-me loves to be read to as much as I love to read!