A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. ~Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Back To Cats

We're back to cats today. I came across this in my news feed this morning and I'm smitten like a kitten with this organization. It's called Paws with C.L.A.W.S. (Cats Lives Are Worth Saving) and there really couldn't be a cause nearer and dearer to my heart. I have 7 (SEVEN) cats {just call me the crazy cat lady, yo} and I just really think they're the BEST little creatures on the planet. Go check out what this organization is trying to do (read: save cats, help people afford cats, teach people how to care for cats, talking about the importance of spaying and neutering). 

Obviously, I have cats. I also know that I don't want need  litters upon litters of kittens because I couldn't afford to care for them all, nor could I find them all homes. And you wouldn't willingly bring a human life into this world knowing you couldn't care for it, so why would you bring ANY life into this world? Hence, go spay and neuter your pets. 

Speaking of spaying and neutering, go vote, PLEASE go vote for my cat, Sassy in the World Spay Day Pageant because she is awesome. (I'm deliberately withholding the photo so you will have to at least go to the page, and then you may as well vote for her. The prize is money donated in her name and a cool collar.)

And because no post is complete with some pictures, and I do have plenty of them because the cats are my babies as much as my child is, here is Stuart enjoying some milk from my cereal bowl. Ignore his runny eyes, he has ear problems and needs to go to the vet soon to have them checked out. He lived in the "wild" too long and his little ears need constant attention, and when they have problems, his eyes run. Poor kid. 

lick lick lick YUM!
the black blob is Otto, waiting on his share of the milk. 

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