A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. ~Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


'Tis the season, it seems everyone is sick. I'm sick. All of my husband's employees are sick. All of my co-workers are sick, wait, that's where I got sick. It's the gift that keeps on giving. All of this sickness makes for one tired human being over here. Since my husband has to do the work of three other people, I get zero assistance at home. I'm coming to work just to catch a break. I can't chase the toddler for another minute and if we're left together I'm not capable of prying her from the light fixtures anyways. 

Some how our Christmas tree managed to get put up and mostly decorated over the weekend. My husband and I aren't sure how we even managed to go get it, much less get anywhere with it. Nonetheless, it is sitting pretty in our foyer, which gives me hope that things will get better.

I'm emotionally and physically drained. Trying to get everyone together for the holidays turned into a disaster at some point this week to top everything off. I'm so over it, I've considered giving up on Christmas entirely. Since all of the tot's gifts are purchased, I may just throw them in the middle of the den on Christmas Eve, when she goes to sleep at midnight, and call it a day. Anyone else who gets a present can consider themselves lucky. Speaking of presents, I finally purchased something for myself only to discover two weeks later that the item won't be coming. Does it seriously take two weeks to discover that you can't count? 

It just has not been a good week. I keep trying to see the glass as half full and then someone knocks it over. I need a do-over. On the bright side, I'm so high on all this medication for my bronchial infection I don't give a shit. Rock on, I guess.

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